Dylan and I absolutely love this little bundle of Joy 'Harvey Moon' we first found out about him via Twitter and Facebook and since follow all his wonderful posts and photos.

Harvey Moon is a pearly white Pomeranian, and can you believe he used to be quite shy and on the nervous side like Dylan and I can be. But it would appear that since being signed up to a K9 modelling agency and having his fur dyed for a music video, he has been given a new lease of life!

He was recently featured in the Newspaper and online at Daily Mail with his full story on changing from a nervous pooch to being the center of attention, i think you will all agree he really is a little bundle of joy!

One day it would be fab to meet him, have a run around the park and maybe i could be dyed to match, what do you think? Dylan isn't so sure, in fact when i mentioned it I think it was the first time he said he is thankful for not having hair!!

You can read the full article as mentioned above at: dailymail.co.uk/news

You can also follow Harvey Moon on Twitter @harveymoon100
or on Facebook facebook.com/HarveyMoon100

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    Hi my name is Hannah and i am the author of this blog written on behalf of Dylan & Daisy all about their day to day antics and adventures. 



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