Hello K9 followers, I am recovering well following my op on Friday, with plenty of rest and cuddles from my mumma!

For those of you that didnt already know i had to go to that doggy hospital place to have something my mumma calls spaying, i know im not great at understanding the whole human talk as yet but even my big bro Dylan was confused when i didnt come home Friday morning.

It was a horrible day from the start i sensed that my mum was rather sad and i couldnt see why, no matter how much i snuggled her and nibbled her ears she still didnt seem any better. The next thing i know we are packed into the car with my favourite banklet (actually its my mums fleecy jumper that i claimed the first night i spent with her) and it was like we were going on a little adventure, although something wasnt quite right as Dylan wasnt there, we dont usually leave him behind!
We arrived at this really cool place with lots of smells and people who wanted to pay me lots of attention, but suddenly my mum handed me to this lady along with my blanket and she started to walk away from me........  my ming was racing, where is she going? doesnt she want me anymore?
The rest is a bit of a blur, i can remember people talking to me and lots of other dogs whining and shouting but i couldnt make out what they were saying, they also seemed distressed and there were no mums in sight, all i knew was i really didnt want to be there long, and i needed the toilet A LOT!

The next thing i know im dizzy, wobbly and generally feel a bit off colour, but this very nice lady kept coming and talking to me, and wiping my bottom (sorry about that, must have been the nerves). I tried to close my eyes and sleep but it was very hard with all the other dogs shouting.
Eventually the very nice lady cleaned me up again but this time lifted my through to another room and put on my collar and lead, i reluctantly followed her down the corridor but kept feeling this tight, twitching pain in my tummy which made me stop. The only thing that kept me going were the words mummy, she kept saying lets go see your mummy, so i followed her and there they were my mumma and nanna waiting for me, my natural K9 instinct was to frantically rush for attention but they stopped me pretty quick. I didnt mind, i had my mum back, so she did want me after all.
It wasnt long before i was back home again in my familiar surroundings with my big bro Dylan who kept his distance to start with, he just kept sniffing me and then disappearing again. I drifted in and out of sleep that night and every move i made there was mum lifting me on and off things and keeping me warm it was lovely. 

Its now two days on and mum is still everywhere i turn i love her to bits but i just want to run and play with Dylan and she keeps stopping me, telling me to calm down. I am trying hard to stay calm but i have so much energy i want to use up and we arent even going on walks at the moment, just on my lead in the garden which is very boring as i dont even get to dig in the mud!! Dylan has tried to explain to me that it is just something a lot of puppies need to go through and its actually quite good for girls, as it means that when i get bigger i wont get chased by all the other boy dogs, so i guess its worth it.

Mum has told me that i have to visit that lady again tomorrow, i think she said her name was Vet, so ill let you know how i get on.

Love and Licks Daisy xx

13/6/2013 10:28:12 pm

Hi, we've just met on Twitter!
I've been through this. It was a real drag not being allowed to run about! But you'll be back to normal soon.

Dylan and Daisy
14/6/2013 05:08:09 pm

Hi, thanks for visiting our blog.
It is a real drag but I am 3 days off getting thd all clear to run around again, yay I cant wait! Think my mum is going to take me to the beach To celebrate x

14/6/2013 11:50:43 am

We've met on Twitter. Thanks so much for pointing me toward your blog! Your Crested and Chi are really adorable. Please kiss them for me. :-)

Daisy's mum
14/6/2013 05:11:17 pm

Thanks for visitIng our blog by Dylan & Daisy, we hope you enjoy and visit us again soon.
Thank you for your kind comments, they are pretty Special little characters, love then to bits!! X


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    Hi my name is Hannah and i am the author of this blog written on behalf of Dylan & Daisy all about their day to day antics and adventures. 



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